Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hi Poodins, I'm Ashley
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11 Miaows:
Wow! You got turned into a cube. I should watch how much I play with that!
How completely cool! I want to be on a cube.
Your friend
You are a very cute cube!
I thought I heard my name ;-)
I'm fond of cubes, but cat cubes are the coolest.
Hey! How did you get inside there?!
lol...So cute :)
Wow. I wanna be a cube too.
Are you OK?
We haven't seen you for such a long time. Is everyone okay?
Your friends,
& everyone at Artsy Catsy
Uh, oh. Can you get out?
Are you still stuck in the cube?!!!!!!!
Hope everything is OK.
Purrs Mickey
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