
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Chrissymouse efurryone!

AshleyI think Santy Paws must have been paying attention. I've been (mostly!) a good girl this year (no one's perfect - right?) And I've certainly been a furry good girl since I've been living with my foster beans over the past few months.

Here's the Chrissymouse stocking Jasmine gave so Santy Paws would have somewhere to put my presents. I think it looks furry pretty hanging there next to our Chrissymouse tree.

Christmas stocking
Here's a close-up of my Chrissymouse stocking.

Christmas stocking
Here are some of the toys - a mousy on a wand, and a Santy Paws hat. I'm pretty sure Jasmine is going to make me model the hat later! Not sure what I think of that, but maybe I will do it for some temptations and more Chrissymouse ham.

Christmas presents
And look at this huge stash of toys! Jasmine wanted to take a picture of it looking all pretty in the stocking before I got stuck into it.

Christmas presents
Here's the stash unpacked!

Christmas presents
And lookie at this! A self-warming floofly blanket! Wow, sounds furry high-tech!

Christmas presents
I'm off to test out all these presents! Purry Chrissymouse to efurryone!

=^..^= Ashley

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Lots of Santy Paws hats!

AshleyI was just visiting Beezer's blog and discovered a cool website that let's you wear lots and lots of nice hats. Here I am posing in one of the hats. This is kinda fun. I think I will try on another hat tomorrow!

=^..^= Ashley

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Vishus deer for dinner

AshleyLast night Jasmine and Peter went out to dinner. Jasmine saw venison on the menu, and Peter said "that's deer". Jasmine said "Vishus deer?? Oooo! Ashley might think it was cool if I ate some vishus deer!"

Do you like my new Santa hat. I think it's furry fun and festive!

=^..^= Ashley

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kitty video clip

Tehehe! Lookie at this video clip I found! It's full of kitties!

=^..^= Ashley

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brave mousies

AshleyJasmine showed me a news article today about more weird beans. Some beans genetically engineered a mouse not to be scared of poodins! In the news video, you can see that the mouse is rudely running all over and around the nice tabby! Maybe this could be a good thing though? Maybe if the mice are not scared of us, and that will make it easier for us to catch them and chomp them. What do you think?

=^..^= Ashley

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Glow-in-the-dark kitties?

AshleySome beans are weird. Jasmine just showed me a news article about beans who made glow-in-the-dark kitties!
=^..^= Ashley

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Sunday, December 09, 2007


Today I am helping Jasmine put things away in the kitchen cupboards. As a poodin, I am obviously a furry good snooperviser!

Little AshleyI had to get in really close to make sure Jasmine put everything in the right place. I know she really appreciated my help!

Little AshleyDo you help your beans with stuff like this?

=^..^= Ashley

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Sunday, December 02, 2007


AshleyI never used to be very chatty. When I first came to stay with my foster beans, I barely said a word (except when they shoved me in the PTU and drove me to the vet - then I said quite a lot of words!)

Recently I've become much more chatty. Often I'm just asking for food, but sometimes I'm just having conversations. Something else I do, which Jasmine thinks is furry cute, is that I always say a little "meow" after Jasmine sneezes. She asked if I'm saying a little kitty "bless you", or whether I'm complaining because her sneezes are loud sneezes!

=^..^= Ashley

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