Now that Mr Crumples is safely in his new furrever home, I wanted to tell you about the chain of beans and poodins who were involved: Jasmine's friend's brother's workmate (Ms K), Jasmine's friend's brother (Mr J), Jasmine's friend (Ms C), Jasmine, Me (BK!), Grr, Cocoa and Midnight, Oscar, Oscar's mum (Ms L), Oscar's mum's workmate (Mr P), Oscar's mum's friend (another Ms K) and a nice lady from the Cat Adoption Team in Canberra.

And here's the whole story up till now...
First there was Jasmine's friend's brother's workmate (Ms K) who had been temporarily looking after Mr Crumples when his mean beans moved out and left him behind. Ms K fed and wormed Mr Crumples, and gave him some pats and brushes when she could, but she was not able to give Mr Crumples the attention he needed because she was already looking after two other poodins, including the poor-under-nourished-three-legged-abandoned brother of Mr Crumples! (now well nourished after moving in with Ms K)

Ms K then posted a message about Mr Crumples at her work. This message was seen by Jasmine's friend's brother (Mr J), who forwarded it to Jasmine's friend (Ms C). Ms C's family are good animal people and have adopted lots and lots of poodins and woofies over the years. Ms C currently has 2 poodins (
Tycho and
Miro) and 2 woofies and wasn't able to take Mr Crumples, so she forwarded the message to Jasmine and asked if she would post it online.
Jasmine has her own blog, but the poodin people mostly just read
my blog, so Jasmine asked me to post
Mr Crumple's story. Obviously I was more than happy to help a poodin in need.
Grr, Cocoa and Midnight from California saw the post and miaowed at
Oscar in Melbourne. Oscar told his mum about it, and she told the story to her friends at work.

One of Oscar's mum's workmates (Mr P) said there was a kitty shaped hole in his life and he would love to adopt Mr Crumples. Only problem was that Mr Crumples was in Canberra, which is about an 8 hr drive from Melbourne where Mr P was!
Oscar's mum contacted a friend who was travelling from Canberra to Melbourne shortly and asked if she could help (which she was happy to do). Jasmine was also contacted by a nice bean from the
Cat Adoption Team in Canberra who offered to help get Mr Crumples to Melbourne if Oscar's mum's friend wasn't able to.

Next thing to be sorted was getting a cat carrier to house Mr Crumples for the journey. This was very simply sorted out by Ms C who offered to donate hers! Ms C's poodins didn't mind because it means they are going to get brand new carriers for themselves!
Great big purrs and headbutts to all the beans and poodins who've helped get Mr Crumples to his new furrever home!
BTW, also wanted to point out that this chain includes poodins/beans from all over the world - Canberra, Melbourne, London and California! What an international team of helpers! :)
Labels: Mr Big/Crumples