Several poodins asked about the nice poodin place in Hawaii where Jasmine and Peter stayed. It's called the
Volcano Inn. It's on the Big Island of Hawaii and it's run by a very nice lady bean.
There are other animals at the Inn too -- woofies, horsies, duckies, possibly others, but Jasmine was only really interested in the poodins. Here are some pictures of the poodins. The big orange man cat is Tigger. The nice tabby-and-white poodin is Roo Roo.
Tigger: Mmmm... those are some niiice chin scritchies.
Roo Roo: Hey, I want some of those too!
Tigger: Hi there. I'm Tigger. As you can see, I'm a Big Man Cat.
Roo Roo: I certainly do enjoy a good back rub!