
Saturday, September 29, 2007

My new friend, Mr Cookie

I'd like to introduce you to my new friend, Mr Cookie.

Little Ashley and MR CookieAshley: Hello Mr Cookie, how are you going?
Cookie: Do you has cookie?
Ashley: No, but I do have a fev-ver butt mousie. Would you like to play with him?
Cookie: Fev-ver butt mousies made of cookie?
Ashley: No, 'fraid not.
Cookie: Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Where be the Cookie?!?! I think I see a cookie over there, kthxbai.
Ashley: You are strange, Mr Cookie. And I think you have been reading I Can Has Cheezburger even more than Jasmine!

Little Ashley and MR Cookie
=^..^= Ashley

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6 Miaows:

At Saturday, September 29, 2007 2:52:00 am, Blogger Mickey's Musings miaowed...

Mr. Cookie is cute! good thing he likes cookies and not Temptations!!

At Saturday, September 29, 2007 2:05:00 pm, Blogger Daisy miaowed...

I agree with what Mickey said. A Temptations-Monster would be much worse than a Cookie-Monster! We love Icanhascheezburger!

At Sunday, September 30, 2007 2:19:00 am, Blogger Unknown miaowed...

I would cuddle with him. I agree with Mickey and Daisy. No temptations monsters.

At Monday, October 01, 2007 1:09:00 pm, Blogger Parker miaowed...

He's cute, but a little too food fixated, it's a good thing that he doesn't like cat treats!

At Monday, October 01, 2007 3:35:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous miaowed...

Mr.Cookie is cute hope he found his cookie :)

At Monday, October 01, 2007 5:45:00 pm, Blogger ASTOR CATS miaowed...

We don't think Mr. Cookie could come to our house. Even though we don't like cookies, mom does and she doesn't share with us. Mr. Cookie is cute because he's blue and we likes blue - blue skies - blueberries - blue birdies.

Midnite & Stray Kitty


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