Spinning mousie toy
Jasmine got me this cool spinning mousie toy. When I try to grab the mousie, he runs away! He's not furry smart though, he just runs around in circles, so he he can't escape from me. I asked him if he would like to come out and play, but he didn't come out. It must be because he's scared of me.
This spinning mousie used to have a tail, but I ripped it off pretty quickly. I'm furry good at pulling tails off my mousie toys, especially my fev-ver butt mousies.
=^..^= Ashley
12 Miaows:
Ashley - I think it is a very good thing to rip the feathers off of the mousies butts! I shows what a ferocious kitty you are!
Obviously it is too scared to figure out where to really run. You are a very ferocious hunter!
That looks like a fun toy! I have a track ball, but it just has a ball that goes round and round inside.
Momma had one of those before she had me. She laughs every time she sees it because a non pet oriented friend said oh--they roll it like this? And he picked it up like a child might and rolled it on the end rather than seeing that there was something to chase inside... she had to explain that cats didn't have opposable thumbs to do that!
I must have one!
Wow, that looks like a ton of fun, and you are SO cute!
Hee hee - dose toys am da bestest!
That's a great toy, Ashley! I'll bet he *is scared of you!
That mouse is determined to stay away from you.Go get it Ashley!
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Hi Ashley,
on the strength of your recommendation I bought a spinning mousie toy for Tiffany and Miro and carried it back to Australia for them (via London). They both love to chase the hidden mousie and asked me to pass on their thanks for suggesting such an awesome toy :)
Cool toy none of my feather but mousie's have feather's anymore either :)
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